The 2D panels include more than 2000! programmed bitmaps! They simulate 601 operative elements (switches, lights, indicators)! 255 of them are on the Second Officer panels, 133 on the Overhead panel, 213 on the pilot's panel. All systems programmed in accordance with B727 Manuals and Boeing CBT and tested by current B727 pilots and engineers.
Note the animated pilots' sliding windows, engine fire handles, windshield window handles... Even Fuel Dump system is full functional...
Among highly detailed authentic avionics you will find Sperry SP-50 Autopilot, Integrated Flight System FD-108, Mark II Ground Proximity Warning System, ADF with old antique but authentic tuning system, functional Audio Selector and Radio panels and more.
Enjoy 11 state of art full screen interior views (including 2D panels). You are not alone in 2D cockpit anymore! You got a First Officer and a Second Officer! Now you feel yourself as a Captain in the captain's seat.