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![]() -- Jad I have absolutely no doubt that the Captain Sim 707 is going to be a huge seller; becasue although it is only their second airliner, it completely blows the competition away. The only way of describing it is as a tour de force and despite the fact that it isn't perfect (yet) it qualifies for an Armchair Aviator Award, because it is going to be a classic. -- Andrew Herd, Captain Sim have done a superb job of reproducing this classic airliner ...One can only imagine the amount of research and painstaking attention to detail, which goes into such a product. -- Steve Mullen, "Micro Aviator Journal" Captain Sim has lived up to its reputation as one of the best developers around. Beautiful job and very much worth the wait. I got my greedy little hands on the 707 and I have been unable to stop flying it. I remember flying on an American Airlines 707 back in the 60's. The one you have modeled looks just like it. Great job!!! -- J.Roets Captain, US Navy/Ret Proud F-14 pilot for 20 years This plane has one of the most realistic flight dynamics I've ever experienced. An absolute joy to fly. -- Andy Excellent plane to fly manually like a REAL pilot should be doing. --Speckfire Love the 707, a work of art. Gone straight to the top of my hanger, flies like a dream. -- Pittnuma AWE-SOME, TERRIFIC, WONDERFUL!!!!! -- PS1 Thousands of thanx for the job and aircraft... -- Nigel Edwards First a huge congratulations, what an aircraft. I'm not really a fan of the 707 but this is such a wonderful rendition that I've started flying it loads... -- Finnegan If I have to go back I would buy this product again in a heart beat, it's a great plane and definately a great model to make and I thank you CS for chosing the 707 because it's really a superb aircraft. -- Kevin Love the new 707 - just beautiful. Another Captain Sim work of art, in every respect. -- mike_cyul big respect to the Captainsim-Team who brought is Flightsimmers a great product. Since it was released I did many short hops and even some longhauls and I enjoyed every single one - THANK YOU! -- AMA That's pretty much it, from what I have heard from E-3 pilots they all say that the airplane is very easy and a joy to fly, and so is this plane. Good job on the Flight Dynamics CS! -- Jeff AWACS Mission Crew It's a great product and Captain Sim is reknown for sticking with their products so I am not in the least concerned that these issues will not be corrected and that I'll then have the best 707 available for MSFS! Have patience people and be grateful that we have the talents of such folks to quench our desire for accurate flight sims! -- Ryan R. good work captain sim i am a happy coustomer and know from your past works this one will be another big hit in the sim world. -- blue1820 She handles like a dream!! Never enjoyed flying a "heavy" sooo much!! -- VulcanB2 If you were to ask me for my honest assestment of the package and if I would recommend it for you to purchase I would have to give you a thumbs up and tell you to go for it! The aircraft is enjoyable to fly, it is a terrific piece of eye candy, future devlopments will only increase the enjoyment AND there are rapidly being shared some terrific free "skinz" for this wonderful aircraft! My hats off to the team...and my sincere thanks for ALL of those who put forth their time and efforts, it shows... -- StarFighter I just wanted to thank CaptSim for their long dedicated work on the 707. You guys are a cut from the rest, keep it up. -- Goeth I want to Thank Captain Sim for making this amazing aircraft, it is certinly a perfect follow up to the 727. Thanks guys for such an amazing aircraft, its a pure joy to fly. -- Shane Boland, CYYT I just have to say that this the best money I've ever spent on FS. I think that CS bit off a bite large enough for 4 dev companies combined with this, there is a lot under the hood. I've scrounged the freeware, bought way too much payware to admit, and it's got to be noted that the Legendary 707 package is simply bound for stardom. -- DiggerBooya It is just good old fashioned fun to be able to fly from point a to b, sometimes flights that I've actually flown being ON a plane as a passenger and just see what it all looks like being the pilot. I have a lot of add-ons that are free and some payware as well but out of all of them the Captain Sim 707 is the best one. I fly my planes maybe once a week only, I am just an amateur but I do know it when I bought something that is good value for money and this is the best spent money on any add-on for any game that I have ever done. -- redstar1 ...have to say the 707 is the finest add-on I have ever to have the pleasure of painting and flying! I really like the CS F-104 as well...but there is something about the 707...maybe because I have worked on them for many years and the 707 has a special place in my life...Enjoy your aircraft... -- oldcitypainter I am very pleased with the way the new autopilot works, especially with GPS flight plans and approach, glideslope more GLIDESLOPE messages... -- Debowing No more problems with the AP. CS you've done a great job ! -- JPC I for one was a little impatient waiting for SP1 as it took longer then expected but after reading the post listing all the fixes I can see why, you guys really pushed and I'm impressed all the fixes you guys were able to get done in the amount of time it took. I just want to say thank you again to CS -- kevin1873 Bought this airplane the day I saw it.. My all time favourite.. Upgraded to V1.1, and I am using the CIVA INS panel adaptation posted.. Works perfect.. -- Greed If you have been waiting for a loud, smoky, non-PC 707, as I have since FS98...go get your credit card! --Vic |